Ustica sape

Imponente Manifestazione di Protesta

I meno giovani ricorderanno questa imponente manifestazione di protesta, anni ’60, che ha mobilitato tutta l’Isola, in difesa di giuste cause … Oggi inseriamo l’ultima di 16 interessanti foto. I manifestanti cominciano a defluire, dopo aver ricevuto, dalle autorità competenti, rassicurazioni in merito alla fattibilità di quanto da loro richiesto.

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Panorama Visto dall’alto

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Imponente Manifestazione di Protesta

I meno giovani ricorderanno questa imponente manifestazione di protesta, anni ’60, che ha mobilitato tutta l’Isola, in difesa di giuste cause … Oggi inseriamo la quindicesima di 16 interessanti foto. I manifestanti cominciano a defluire, dopo aver ricevuto, dalle autorità competenti, rassicurazioni in merito alla fattibilità di quanto da loro richiesto.

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Pinna Nobilis in Grotta

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Da New Orleans Maria Compagno Bertucci

Maria Compagno Bertucci il giorno del suo compleanno, canta “l’inno Nazionale Italiano”

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Aforismi, Citazioni, Proverbi… del giorno

Non si desidera mai ardentemente
ciò che si desidera solo con la ragione.

La Rochefocauld

Imponente Manifestazione di Protesta

I meno giovani ricorderanno questa imponente manifestazione di protesta, anni ’60, che ha mobilitato tutta l’Isola, in difesa di giuste cause … Oggi inseriamo la quattordicesima di 16 interessanti foto che vedono i dimostranti sulla banchina per impedire lo sbarco dei passeggeri.

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Parte Paese

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Imponente Manifestazione di Protesta

I meno giovani ricorderanno questa imponente manifestazione di protesta, anni ’60, che ha mobilitato tutta l’Isola, in difesa di giuste cause … Oggi inseriamo la tredicesima di 16 interessanti foto.

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Sequestrate a Ustica 10 chilometri di spadare

Un’operazione condotta dalla guardia costiera di Messina e cominciata ieri al largo di Ustica con l’ausilio del pattugliatore Fiorello, ha portato al sequestro di 10 chilometri di spadare (le reti da posta non fisse, calate in mare e lasciate alla deriva, usate per la cattura di grossi pesci). Dentro le reti sono stati trovati i resti di 2 grossi delfini, uno squalo verdesca ed una tartaruga marina.

I pescherecci che avevano calato le spadare sono riusciti a fuggire prima ancora di essere intercettati.

Da Giornale di

Da Slidell Louisiana Cheryl Franz

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Dear Pietro Bertucci:

I finally have time to write and to let you know how much my sister Cathy, my daughter, Rachel and I enjoyed our stay in Ustica. We were looking forward to visiting Ustica as you know our ancestors originated there. .

As the boat was approaching Ustica; we could see how beautiful the island was. I remember thinking; this is amazing that I was able to visit our ancestor’s home land. To me it was like going back into time.

You greeted us at the port and drove us to the lovely home that we rented. We felt so welcomed by everyone. It was very refreshing to see that every home had fresh potted flowers at their door steps and hanging outside their windows. There were beautiful trees, shrubs and flowers all around. I loved the cobblestone streets and was admiring the architecture around the island.

As you recommended we took a boat ride around the island and a gentleman named Peppe Caminita offered to take us. We really enjoyed the boat ride. The water was incredibly beautiful and we were amazed by the beauty of the island.

The people of Ustica were extremely warm and friendly. Even though we did not speak Italian; they were very patient in trying to understand what we were asking or looking for. Each time we went down to the Square, everyone would wave and tell us hello.

One day as we were walking around and we walked too far, and my Aunt Loe was too tired to continue. I walked ahead and ran into Vincenzo Padovani who you introduced to us earlier. I explained to him my Aunt needed a ride back to the Square. He quickly got on his motorcycle and went to her rescue. When they passed me up on the motorcycle I had to laugh. It was comical to see her on the back of a motorcycle. I was very impressed how genuinely nice the people were.

I have told many people in New Orleans how lovely and beautiful Ustica is. Especially how good the ice cream is! I ate so much ice cream I thought I was going to gain weight.

We could never thank you enough for all of your help during our stay in Ustica. You were very informative about the island and its history. You showed us around and introduced us to many of the local merchants. I hope to visit Ustica again in a few years.


Cheryl Franz

Parte Paese dall’alto

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Imponente Manifestazione di Protesta

I meno giovani ricorderanno questa imponente manifestazione di protesta, anni ’60, che ha mobilitato tutta l’Isola, in difesa di giuste cause … Oggi inseriamo la dodicesima di 16 interessanti foto.

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Aforismi, Citazioni, Proverbi… del giorno

Questa è la più amara sofferenza per un uomo:
avere molta conoscenza ma nessun potere.


Buon Onomastico

san-pietroOggi si festeggiano i SS Pietro e Paolo.sanpaolo
Auguri a tutti coloro che festeggiano
il loro Onomastico sotto questi Nomi

Buon Compleanno

Auguri A Salvatore Conigliaro,
a Caterina Taranto e
a Vincenzo Ferraro i Migliori
Auguri di Buon Compleanno

Rientro Pescatori – Mancuso

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Imponente Manifestazione di Protesta

I meno giovani ricorderanno questa imponente manifestazione di protesta, anni ’60, che ha mobilitato tutta l’Isola, in difesa di giuste cause … Oggi inseriamo l’undicesima di 16 interessanti foto.

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Pulitura Fave

Carmelo Palmisano pulisce le fave

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Da Baton Rouge Louisiana Jeannie Buckel

[ id=3042 w=160 h=120 float=right]Good morning Mr. Pietro Bertucci…Hope this email finds you and your wife in good health and happiness…Now, let me begin by saying, “thank you” for your attentive service to me, my sister, three neices and two friends during our visit to Ustica the last two weeks in May 2010…and lovely it was…You introduced us to so many people and oh, what fun we had…you saved us so many times [ id=3041 w=320 h=240 float=left]because you speak such good English and we no Italian (shame on us)…I can not remember the name of the restaurant we patronized so much with the American Pie Hamburger, delicious…The ice cream, wonderful and no calories…haha…Everyone in Ustica was so very kind and giving and I believe they all have hugh hearts filled with love…Pina’s cookies were delicious and enjoyed by all…I can’t thank you enough for all your kindnesses for we all enjoyed you very much…We all send our crazy mad love to you and your wife and may God bless you and yours…
P.S. You are the best “ Ambassador” for Ustica… Jeannie  (Eugenia)









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