Ustica sape

“Run Away The Series” – Your gesture is also very important to learn about our “big” island in the world.

[ id=18104 w=320 h=240 float=left]Riccardo Cannella, from Ustica, is the young creator, writer and director of the web series Run Away. It’s a psychological thriller in digital Full HD, entirely filmed both in Ustica and the province of Palermo. The cast boasts the presence of actors from the Italian television and cinema.

According to Christiano Bolla Run Away: The Series, highlights “the technical and artistic skills of the new generation of cinephiles, which allow the creation of great products with few resources. Even if he is the creator / producer / director, Richard Cinnamon has been able to count on some special guests from the world of television, as the young Giulia Salerno, the dubbers and spouses Mario Zucca and Marina Thovez, or even a familiar face from Rai as Ivan Olivieri.

The Series filmed in Ustica is participating in a contest called “Run Away The Series” at the Rome Web Fest … where it needs to get a high number of stars.

Click on the link: and rate with 5 starlets (underneath the video on the right) to help us grow!

Your gesture is also very important to learn about our “big” island in the world.

Thank you!


Riccardo Cannella  (2)Riccardo Cannella, giovane usticese ideatore, scrittore e regista della serie web Run Away ha prodotto un Thriller Psicologico girato interamente a Ustica, in provincia di Palermo, in digitale Full HD. Il cast vanta la presenza di attori della televisione e del cinema italiano.

Run Away: The Series, scrive Cristiano Bolla, evidenzia “le capacità tecniche e artistiche delle nuove generazioni di cinefili, permettono la creazione di ottimi prodotti con pochi mezzi, anche se in questo il creatore/produttore/regista Riccardo Cannella ha potuto contare su qualche special guest dal mondo della televisione, come la giovanissima Giulia Salerno, i coniugi attori/doppiatori Mario Zucca e Marina Thovez, o ancora un volto noto della Rai come Ivan Olivieri.

Run Away Theseries

La Serie di Ustica sta partecipando ad un concorso che si chiama “Run Away The Series” al Rome Web Fest…in cui ccorre raggiungere un numero alto di stelle.

Clicca su questo link : e vota con 5 stelline (sotto il video a destra) per aiutarci a crescere!!!

Il tuo gesto è molto importante anche per far conoscere la nostra “grande” Isola nel mondo.




Dalla California Laurie Stephenson

Thank you for letting me know about Riccardo’s film. I watched it and gave it 5 stars. He and his crew are very talented and I wish them much success with their film careers.
I watched the episode and thought it was very well done. Gave it 5 stars and posted it on my Facebook page! Best wishes for a successful film career to Riccardo and his crew! Laura Stephenson




Una risposta

  1. Thank you for letting me know about Riccardo’s film. I watched it and gave it 5 stars. He and his crew are very talented and I wish them much success with their film careers.
    I watched the episode and thought it was very well done. Gave it 5 stars and posted it on my Facebook page! Best wishes for a successful film career to Riccardo and his crew! Laura Stephenson

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“La scorsi tra le pietre, sotto un cielo grigio carico di silenzio, sembrava una statua, ma soltanto un dolce piede fuoriusciva da quel castello dorato,

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