Ustica sape

La panchina dei pensionati

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Ustica: Posto di Polizia – Foto ricordo

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Il nostro “Grande” regista Ricardo Cannella – con Run Away, The Series – apprezzato anche in America

A young man (Alberto Baraghini) awakens on the shore. Looking dazed, he begins to explore what appears to be an island. He encounters a beautiful woman. Does he know her? Why does she suddenly disappear? Is this the young man’s dream or his nightmare? Each episode of Run Away, The Series brings us closer to the truth.

In what could be The Wizard of Oz as seen through the lens of Ingmar Bergman, the young man, whose name we learn is Jonathan, strives to to find out where he is and how to get back home. As in The Wizard of Oz, along the way Jonathan encounters various characters – the self-proclaimed ‘Giant of the Woods’, a little girl named Giulia (Giulia Salerno), and her brother David (Vincenzo Vena). Jonathan is chased by mysterious figures in cloaks and black hoods. He escapes to a cabin in the woods only to be locked in with what appears to be a bloody murder victim, who disappears as suddenly as she appeared. Little Giulia shows him the way out. But wait – the cabin is no longer in the woods, it’s now in the town square. More hooded figures are chasing Jonathan and Giulia through the deserted town. I won’t deny that this sounds confusing, but stick with this series and you will be rewarded as everything is explained in the final episodes.

Using a bare bones budget and an unknown cast, creator Riccardo Cannella has created a truly memorable series. Filmed on the tiny island of Ustica, the exquisite cinematography conveys the Jonathan’s dreamlike state. It is easy to see why Run Away has garnered so many awards and is up for even more this web fest season.

In Italian with English subtitles available, the sparse dialogue is easy to follow. Don’t let this fine series series escape your notice.

Fonte: Webvee Guide – By Susan Siniawsky

Watch Run Away, The Series down

Mareggiata Faro Punta Punta Spalmatore

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Ustica: “Punticedda” – punto di balneazione

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San Diego California – Marlene Robershaw Manfrè raccoglie la prima lattuga

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Da Ustica Salvatore Compagno

Cara Marilena, la vista del tuo giardino, che ricordiamo molto bene, ci ha riportati ai giorni meravigliosi trascorsi a casa vostra, grazie alla splendida ospitalità. Un abbraccio ed a presto Salvatore e Maria


Collegamenti marittimi regolari questa mattina con Ustica

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P.S. (ore 12,45) L’aliscafo Tiziano della Compagnia delle Isole effettuerà la corsa delle 15,00 da Palermo, ma dopo lo sbarco dei passeggeri ripartirà per Palermo a causa di venti e mare, provenienti da SE, che renderebbero rischiosa la permanenza all’interno della Cala Santa Maria di Ustica.


PREVISIONI per i prossimi giorni da

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Buon Compleanno

AuguriA Emanuele Mancuso,
a   Andrea Gambino
a   Maria Olivares,
a   Giuseppa Olivares,
a   Benedetta Caminita,
a    Salerno Rosalia Clara,
a    Scott Wolfe,
a   Francesco Caminita
a   Alicia Greenberg i Migliori
Auguri di Buon Compleanno


Oggi si festeggia S. Teodoro .
Auguri a tutti coloro che festeggiano
il loro Onomastico sotto quest0 Nome.










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